- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
This event is dedicated to the MICADO final demo, where we showcase the work performed during the project. For more info about the project please visit: Instrumentation for cleaning and decommissioning - MICADO Project (micado-project.eu)
The demo will be hosted by ENEA at its facilities one hour north of Rome, it will plan over two days with presentation, video and live activities. We encourage in person participation but online ZOOM room will be available.
The whole event will last about a week, the public even will be condensed in two days as shown in the time table.
At 18:45 the bus arrives in via Claudia, a tour of the historical site will follow.
At 19:00 visit of the House of the Rhodes Knights
At 20:00 the dinner stars with an aperitif
C43 Lab (WP4 and WP5),
Nucleco Temporary Storage (WP7)
Nucleco Radiological Waste Treatment Plant