9:00 AM
Welcome & Agenda
Nadia Cherubini
9:20 AM
The ENEA and its laboratories
Alessandro Dodaro
9:40 AM
MICADO Welcome
Massimo Morichi
(CAEN s.p.a.)
10:00 AM
The MICADO Virtual tour video
Massimo Morichi
(CAEN s.p.a.)
11:00 AM
Neutron station
Cyrille ELEON
11:30 AM
Integrated Gamma Station
Luigi Lepore
Giada Gandolfo
12:00 PM
Photofission station
Adrien SARI
(CEA List)
12:30 PM
Long term monitoring systems
Paolo Finocchiaro
(INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud)
2:30 PM
Pipeline assessment software & USE CASES
An Bielen
Eric Breuil
(Orano DS)
3:00 PM
RCMS DigiWaste software
Andrea Pepperosa
(CAEN s.p.a.)
Daniele Ninci
(CAEN s.p.a.)
3:30 PM
Alessandro Iovene
(CAEN s.p.a.)
Ferdinando Giordano
(CAEN s.p.a.)
4:30 PM
The importance of the waste characterization for D&D activities and the MICADO potencial in the EU program and for industrial activities
Federica Pancotti
Marco Nasta
5:00 PM
Recap for the day
Erica Fanchini
(CAEN s.p.a.)