Jan 23 – 27, 2023
Europe/Rome timezone

How to reach ENEA Centre of Casaccia


The ENEA Centre of Casaccia is located territorially in Rome but at its extreme border, in the countryside. The area around the Centre is almost rural with the nearest towns at 2.5 km. It is the largest complex of laboratories and plants in ENEA. It is located on Via Anguillarese 301, Rome, about 25 km north-west of Rome, near the Lake of Bracciano.  https://goo.gl/maps/gAyJEDrbgnyPhCyg8

 Location of the ENEA Casaccia Centre


A summary of transportations available to reach the ENEA Casaccia Research Centre is reported hereafter.


For people staying in Rome at the accommodation solution provided, a dedicated transportation bus has been arranged to reach the ENEA Casaccia Research Centre directly, departing from “Roma Termini” train station.

The shuttle will stop at Hotel Massimino also before reaching the Casaccia site.

The bus is provided on January 24th, 25th, 26th, and 27th.

In the morning, the bus is departing at 7:45 from the “Roma Termini” train station (the precise location of the bus will be provided later), reaching the Casaccia site in about 1 hour, at 8:45.

In the afternoon of days January 24th, 25th, and 26th, the bus will depart at 17:30 from the “Casaccia site”, reaching back “Roma Termini” in about 1 hour, 18:30. For social dinner, the shuttle will take people at the location of the event directly.

In the afternoon of January 27th, the bus will depart about at 13:30 (maybe 13:00, maybe 14:00, the right time will be provided later) from the “Casaccia site”, reaching back “Roma Termini” in about 1 hour, 14:30 (or 14:00 if departing at 13:00; or 15:00 if departing at 14:00). If you need to reach the “Roma Fiumicino Airport”, the “Leonardo Express train” (duration about 30 minutes) is departing from “Roma Termini” train station about every 15 minutes.



In the scheme below it is explained how to get to ENEA Casaccia from the Fiumicino Rome Airport  ”Leonardo da Vinci”, the main airport of Rome. Do not forget to obliterate the train tickets before to get on the train: otherwise you can be fined! Obliteration machines are positioned on the railway stations platforms.

  1. At Fiumicino Airport take the FM1 train to “Orte” or “Fara Sabina” and get off at “Roma Trastevere” station after 7 stops (Fiumicino Aeroporto à  Parco Leonardo à Fiera di Roma à Ponte Galeria à Muratella à Magliana à Villa Bonelli à Roma Trastevere). Duration of the travel around 40 minutes. Train starts every 15 minutes.
  2. At “Roma Trastevere” take the FM3 train to “Cesano” or “Viterbo” and get off at “Cesano” station after 14 stops (Trastevere à Quattro Venti  à Roma S. Pietro à Valle Aurelia à Appiano à Balduina à Gemelli à Roma Monte Mario à Roma S. Filippo Neri à Ottavia à Ipogeo degli Ottavi à La Giustiniana à La Storta à Olgiata à Cesano di Roma). Duration of the travel around 40 minutes. Train starts every 15 minutes.
  3. At the exit of the Cesano Railway station, on left there is a bus station. Take the bus shuttle to ENEA Casaccia. It is a private bus operated by ENEA. It starts about every 30 minutes
  4. Once in ENEA Casaccia, at the main entrance gate, show your passport or ID card announcing that you are a participant of the MICADO Project.

The train route in bullet (2) to reach ENEA Casaccia can be taken at every stop indicated (e.g. you can reach “Roma S. Pietro” with another train from “Roma Termini”, or you can take the board the train at “Valle Aurelia”, reaching this stop by means of the Metro A subway).

Do not forget to bring with you a valid personal document

Scheme for travelling by train from Rome Fiumicino airport to ENEA Casaccia.


Taxi service from Rome airport to ENEA Casaccia takes nearly 45min. Its cost is around 70 €.


Solution 1: from the “Grande Raccordo Anulare” take the “S.S. 2 bis - Cassia-Veientana” towards Viterbo, up to the "Cesano" and exit at “Cesano”. Go all the way down “Via di Baccanello” and at the end turn left into “Via della Stazione di Cesano”, to go all the way until you cross “Via Braccianese”; turn right and then, after three hundred meters, turn right again into “Via Anguillarese”. After the town of Osteria Nuova, you enter, on the left, the parking lot of the ENEA Casaccia Research Centre.

Solution 2: From the “Grande Raccordo Anulare” take the “S.S.1 – Aurelia” towards “Civitavecchia” up to “Testa di Lepre”; turn right into “Via dell’Arrone” until you cross “Via Braccianese”. Turn left and, after three hundred meters, turn right into “Via Anguillarese”. After the town of Osteria Nuova, you enter, on the left, the parking lot of the ENEA Casaccia Research Centre.